Association By-Laws
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Price-Knox Neighbors Association.
Article II: Object
The Price-Knox Neighbors Association (“the Association”) is formed for the purpose of building community within our neighborhood and to enable cooperative approaches to shared issues of interest and concern.
The Association is organized exclusively for charitable purposes. The Association has not been formed for the making of any profit, or for personal financial gain. Any assets or income shall only be used in furtherance of the Association’s goals. The Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be conducted by an organization exempt from federal income tax.
True community requires that all members be viewed as equals, be treated with respect and dignity, and have the expectation of being treated with respect and dignity. For these reasons, discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age is unacceptable.
The Association is a Registered Community Organization (RCO) with the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Article III: Geographic Location
The Price-Knox Neighbors Association encompasses all residences in the city and county of Philadelphia between West Haines Street and West Chelten Avenue, and between Wayne Avenue and Greene Street.
Article IV: Members
Section 1. Membership Eligibility & Admission Procedures
Any individual who resides within the Association’s registered boundaries shall be eligible for membership. Individuals need only to attend an open meeting and request membership and shall immediately be considered full members upon providing name, address, and contact information. Alternatively, individuals may contact Association leadership outside of meetings to request membership by the same process.
Individuals shall be presumed to be eligible upon providing their address but may be required to provide proof of residence if another member raises a challenge to the individual’s eligibility.
Section 2. Initiation Fees & Dues
The Association does not require initiation fees or dues.
Article V: Officers
Section 1. Officers and Duties
These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
President: The president shall preside over all regular and special meetings, if attending. The president shall be the default spokesperson for the Association unless otherwise delegated by the President or specified by the Association. The president shall be responsible for co-signing all documents on behalf of the Association.
Vice President: The vice-president shall preside over all regular and special meetings, if attending and in the event the president is not in attendance or unable to preside. The vice president shall be responsible for covering any responsibilities of vacant board positions.
Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for the Association’s financial planning, spending, and accounting, as well as reporting on these matters to the general membership.
Secretary: The secretary will be responsible for providing notice of all meetings, as well as drafting and circulating meeting agendas and meeting minutes. The Secretary will also maintain a current list of members.
Parliamentarian-at-Arms: The parliamentarian will be the primary individual responsible for interpreting the. bylaws and deciding any questions regarding meeting procedure and rules of order. The parliamentarian will also be responsible for maintaining order in meetings and ensuring meetings do not deviate from the agenda.
Section 2. Eligibility for Office
Any member of the Association shall be eligible to hold office.
Section 3. Nomination Procedure
Nominations shall open at the regular meeting preceding the annual meeting. Nominations may be received either from the floor during this meeting or from written nominations in absentia. Nominations shall remain open until the President calls for the election to commence at the annual meeting
Section 4. Officer Elections
Elections shall occur immediately following the Annual Meeting. They shall take place anonymously, remotely and for an announced period of time following the meeting (e.g., 24 hours to place votes).
Officers will be elected for one-year terms that shall begin when the election meeting adjourns and shall end at the conclusion of the same election meeting the following year.
Any voting system used for elections shall be maintained by more than one club member, and the voting results from any such system shall be published to the general membership.
Section 5. Resignation or Removal from Office
Officers may resign from their positions during the year by submitting notice to the President and Secretary.
Association officers may be removed from office for cause through an impeachment process as provided in the parliamentary authority. Votes to impeach an officer will require a majority of all eligible members. Votes to remove an officer will require advance notice of at least one week and will require a 2/3 vote of all eligible members.
In the event an officer resigns or is removed through impeachment, the Association shall call for nominations no later than the next regular meeting and will vote on a replacement no later than two regular meetings after the officer announces that they are resigning.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held monthly at the same day, time, and location (e.g., third Saturday of each month at 9 a.m.), unless otherwise ordered by the Association. The meeting details shall be determined for each year at the annual meeting.
Section 2. Annual Meetings
The regular meeting for September shall be known as the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting shall include regular elections for officers.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings shall only be called upon a 2/3 vote at a regular meeting.
Section 4. Notice
Notice of meetings shall be provided by email, and by an Association website, if one is created
Section 5. Quorum
Quorum shall be met when at least 25% of all members and 50% of all officers are in attendance. In the event quorum is not met, meetings may still proceed, and votes may still be held, but an opportunity for remote voting shall be extended to all absent members before any vote shall be considered binding.
Section 6. Absentee Voting
For all matters that may bind the organization, and which are put to a vote by the organization (not including procedural meeting votes), two forms of voting in absentia will be allowed:
Delegation: Members who are unable to attend for any reason may delegate their voting to a member who will be in attendance. To do so, they must communicate to the Secretary who they have delegated the power to vote on their behalf, as well as the duration for which that individual will have that power (e.g., for a single meeting).
Electronic voting: All such votes shall include an electronic voting option that will be open for one week from the time of notification.
Article VII: Executive Board
Section 1. Board Composition
The Officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board.
Section 2. Board’s Duties and Powers
The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association between its regular meetings, make recommendations to the Association, and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws.
Section 3. Board Meetings
Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held monthly in between the Association’s regular meetings. Regular Board meetings shall be held monthly at the same day, time, and location (e.g., first Saturday of each month), unless otherwise ordered by the Board. The meeting details shall be determined for each year at the first Executive Board meeting of the year. Executive Board meetings shall be open to regular members.
Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of three members of the Board.
Article VIII: Committees
The Association shall have committees that focus on separate areas of member interest and concern.
Section 1. Streets Committee
The Streets Committee shall focus on improving parking accessibility and traffic and pedestrian safety in and around our neighborhood.
Section 2. Beautification Committee
The Beautification Committee shall focus on improving and maintaining cleaner streets in and around our neighborhood.
Section 3. Voting Committee
The Voting Committee shall focus on improving access to the ballot so that all members are able to participate in free and fair elections.
Section 4. Safety Committee
The Safety Committee shall focus on improving public safety within our neighborhood as well as partnering with others in the surrounding neighborhoods who are working toward similar aims.
Section 5. Events Committee
The Events Committee shall focus on planning and carrying out all events that the general membership decides to undertake.
Section 6. Price Street Play Lot Committee
The Price Street Play Lot Committee shall focus on developing a community-supported plan for the Price Street Play Lot, effectively advocating for its implementation, and ensuring the play lots are properly maintained.
Section 7. Other Committees; President’s Ex-Officio Committee Membership
Such other committees, standing or special, may be established by the Association as it shall from time to time deem necessary to carry on its work. Their members shall be appointed by the Executive Board unless this rule is suspended by a two-thirds vote before their appointment. The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees unless otherwise designated upon a committee’s formation.
Section 8. Committee Chairs and Membership
Open committee chairs shall be filled by a simple majority vote at a regular meeting of the full association. All other committee members may serve on a volunteer basis.
Article IX: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the 12th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
Article X: Amendment of Bylaws
Amendments will require advance notice at a regular meeting and a 2/3 vote of eligible members at a subsequent regular meeting.
Last Updated September 30, 2024